Concerns Regarding Banuba Face Filters' Integration with a Mobile App

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

Right now, I’m developing a mobile application and want to incorporate face filters for users. Before I fully commit to the platform, I have several questions after looking into Banuba’s Face AR SDK. Any advice from anybody with knowledge of integrating Banuba’s technology would be greatly appreciated!

Cross-Platform Harmoniousness: I’m an iOS and Android developer. To what extent is the integration between the two platforms smooth? Are there any appreciable variations between the two in terms of functionality or user experience? :thinking:

Face filter customisation: I know Banuba sells pre-made filters, but how much room is there for customisation? Is it possible for us to create our own filters, and if yes, what equipment or knowledge is required? When making custom filters, are there any rules or restrictions that we should be aware of specifically? :thinking:

App Performance and Battery Usage: How does Banuba’s SDK impact the overall performance of apps, especially on lower-end devices, given that AR filters can be resource-intensive? Has the integration had any appreciable effects on battery life or speed?

Privacy of Users and Data Processing: I would appreciate more information about how Banuba’s SDK handles user data, given the growing privacy issues. Is any biometric data collected or stored by it, and if so, how is it managed? :thinking:

The idea of utilising Banuba’s augmented reality technology excites me, and before I move further with integration, I’d want to learn about your experiences or generative ai recommendations.

Thanks in advance for your time.