License error 0xff00f. Please, contact Banuba to obtain a correct client token

The error number signifies that the token being received does not contain the domain you are trying to run it on as permissible.

For example the trial token will only be able to run on localhost. Not anywhere else. To extend this to actual domains you are interested in, please talk to your assigned Banuba Sales Representative - they will issue you a new token with your selected Domains.

You have received the token and are still getting the error?

The most prevalent cause for this is that you have either not placed the Banuba Client Token (do not post them in this thread) into the correct location (for the Web Quickstart example this would be BanubaClientToken.js), or you have pasted it with a typo. One of the more common typos being adding spaces or newline where there isn’t supposed to be any.

If you are confident that everything is correctly copied and to the correct location, make sure that you are correctly passing the token to Player.create().

If this does not help, we recommend contacting support to address the issue as there are some edge cases where this does not work intuitively, usually with Electron environments and there is also a chance that there is still an error with the token. Provide your Banuba Client Token and the domains you are expecting as well in the support form

Hello, I need your help.
I cloned Web AR / Beauty | Banuba SDK and then deployed it on netlify.
But I have error.

Please let me know how can I solve it.

Hello, please message support in regards to this, they will assist (Support for Banuba SDKs | Face AR SDK and Video Editor SDK)