The SDK's size is too big

We have two ways of distributing the SDK

Via an archive (legacy) and via packages (Cocoapods for iOS and Github Packages for Android).

The recommended method is using our packages, as you can only utilize those packages that you need. Our primary Github examples utilize this integration method by default at the moment, and provide guidance on how to get things going. However here are all the links you need:


  1. Banuba iOS Packages Documentation.
  2. Banuba CocoaPods Repository - lists all modules and versions.
  3. Quickstart Example for iOS Swift

Important!: the BanubaSdk package is a metamodule and it contains all others, so if you are using it, you will be using the maximum size of the SDK.


  1. Banuba Android Packages Documentation.
  2. Packages Github Repository - lists all available packages and their versions.
  3. Quickstart Example for Android

Important!: the BanubaSdk package is a metamodule and it contains all others, so if you are using it, you will be using the maximum size of the SDK.

The legacy method requires a number of steps to reduce the size of the SDK in the release app:

  1. to ensure that all functionality that isn’t required by you is removed you need to repacking the SDK archive. To do that please see Android Repack (minify SDK size) and iOS Repack (minify SDK size)
  2. For android specifically the Banuba SDK libraries (banuba_effect_player.aar, banuba_sdk.aar will still likely be quite significant in size. This can happen when during building the application, something called a strip phase that strips debug symbols is not happening. This is an environment setup issue. The usual reason being that you are not building for release, and that your and gradle are out of date.