Using CustomEffectsListAdapter

I want to put to bottom of screen a horizontal recycler that has effect items (lips color & Eye liner etc…)
when user select any item from bottom list, it apply to camera effect.
how can it ?
normally I have no problem to using recycler or adapter component system, but ı don’t know which parameter passing to CustomEffectsListAdapter, also the this adapter using for this ?

Hello CnrYmz!

Please find CustomEffectListAdapter here.

already I know this adapter , but h-o-w c-a-n u-s-e it with effectPreviews parameters,

what’s the effectPreviews parameters?, with this parameter I can do effect in realtime?

can you give any examples that show me binding this adapter ?

this adapter for selecting to user the effects ?

if you have document that explain this adapter how can run , you can share a link,

but your link have just a adapter without use case .


Please look through the code thoroughly. These are open-source examples.
There is also an example of using an adapter, more than one.