How to create a color filter for Face AR?

You have a few options for this:

  1. Create a filter from scratch. For this I recommend using the Banuba AR Web Studio and reading the tutorial on How to get started with the Web Studio

  2. You can download this template filter that was created in the Web Studio, load it in the studio, and change the LUT via the option in properties. If you want a custom one instead of the samples we provice, you will need to follow the guide on How to make a LUT.

  3. You can download the template filter from point 2, unzip it, go into /TemplateLUTFilter/color/ and change the file provided for one you have create via the How to make a LUT guide directly, and then modifying the config.json of the filter to change line 428 (by default: “file_name”: “color/bnb_template_lut.png”,) to contain the correct name for your new LUT file.